Regulated of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors

016977 48811 |

Professional, Independent & Cost-effective Commercial Property Advice

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About Us


Paul Robbins MRICS is a Chartered Surveyor who has been working in the commercial property sector for over 30 years.  He has wide ranging experience of working in the public sector, the corporate world and in private practice.

After obtaining a BA (Hons) in Geography he trained with the Valuation Office in Cambridge becoming a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) in 1996.  Whilst at the Valuation Office Paul went on to specialise in non-domestic rating and in providing valuation advice to public sector clients.  He gained broad experience dealing with residential and agricultural as well as commercial property.

In 1998 Paul joined Januarys Consultant Surveyors in Cambridge becoming Associate Director in the Professional Services Department.  He specialised in providing landlord & tenant, valuation, rating and strategic advice, as well as overseeing the firms extensive and varied managed property portfolio.  For a brief period from 2004 Paul was in house estates manager for a national retailer prior to setting up his own commercial property consultancy.  As the business grew he created a partnership with his wife, Paula, a teacher by training, who provides essential professional support and oversees the business administration.

As a partnership we provide advice to clients in respect of many types of property but have particular skill and experience in retail, industrial, office and healthcare property.  For example, dating back to his years at the District Valuers Office advising Primary Care Trusts, Paul has for many years been heavily involved in the healthcare sector.  We now act for GP partnerships, NHS Trusts and pharmacy businesses in providing valuation and landlord and tenant advice, and negotiating deals.

We represent clients nationwide and only accept instructions where we are certain that we can provide a first class professional service and "added value" to our clients.  Skill, dedication and expertise are applied to each and every task, whether large or small.  We are able to respond quickly and efficiently to client requirements and offer competitive fees.

The firm of Paul Robbins - Chartered Surveyor is Regulated by RICS.  All client instructions are dealt with personally by Paul Robbins, the senior partner of the firm, who is also a RICS Registered Valuer.